Micro-Frontends Weekly - Issue #10

📝 Articles

Microservice architectures are used frequently for web applications developed on AWS, and for good reason. They offer many well-known benefits such as development agility, technological freedom, targeted deployments, and more. Despite the popularity […]

In my previous post, I described our way to build a library to share layout, styles and components in the user interface of our self-contained systems architecture...

📚 Books

Become an expert in micro frontends by following the book.

🎥 Videos

In this series of live webinars, experts from Thoughtworks share their learnings on various aspects of micro frontend and how the frontend ecosystem is coping with Microservices and the cloud-native era.

In this ng-India 2022 talk, learn to build Microfrontends App using Single SPA framework Speaker - https://twitter.com/shiv_koiralang-India - https://www.ng-...

In this ng-India 2022 talk, learn to build your MFE from zero. Speaker - https://twitter.com/TheNishuGoelng-India - https://www.ng-ind.com/The 5th edition of...

Accelerate your frontend teams with web component-based micro frontends with Angular!From routing over translations, theming and overlays to the production d...

🛠 Tools

A DevTools extension for Piral instances and their pilets.

SCION Microfrontend Platform is a TypeScript-based open-source library that helps to implement a microfrontend architecture using iframes.