- Micro-Frontends Weekly
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- Micro-Frontends Weekly - Issue #3
Micro-Frontends Weekly - Issue #3
The MoSCoW method
A technique to prioritize delivery requirements during development. MoSCoW stands for:
M – MUST have this.
S – SHOULD have this if at all possible.
C – COULD have this if it does not affect anything else.
W – WON’T have this time but WOULD like in the future.
🛠 Tools & Libraries

Merkur widget can be a small button, a section of a page, or an entire page of your website.
📝 Articles & Tutorials

What is a Micro-front-end? As the name implies, it is a small part of a front-end application. Micro-front-ends are small pieces of the whole, semi-independent or independent parts that the...

Webpack Module federation is a really nice piece of technology for decoupling your micro frontends... Tagged with webpack, javascript, tutorial, microfrontends.
Contrary to how they sound, micro frontends support big teams. We’ve been working hard to bring... Tagged with microfrontends, webdev, beginners, github.

The Tray frontend was initially built as a monolithic application and was served by two frontend engineers, but as new engineers onboard, new teams formed, new products built, it…
🎥 Videos

Benefits, Strategies, and Team Organization

The world is moving to serverless on the backend side and to micro-frontends on the frontend side. But the two approaches are not in contradiction: actually,...
📢 Podcasts

When you visit a web page, the creator’s intent is to present you a seamless experience that fills your browser ...
📚 Books

Apply your experience of web development with HTML and JavaScript to build micro frontends for large-scale web projects using frameworks such as React and popular web tooling such as Node.js with Express or webpack

"Practical Module Federation" is the first, and only, book on Webpack 5's innovative new live code sharing mechanism. It walks you through everything you need to do to start with Module Federation.