Micro-Frontends Weekly - Issue #5

Zawinski’s law

Every program attempts to expand until it can read mail. Those programs which cannot so expand are replaced by ones which can.

📝 Articles & Posts

These are some of the questions I received after my presentation “Micro-Frontends Performance and Centralised Data Caching” at React Advanced London 2021. That’s correct, Micro-Frontends are the…

A comprehensive guide to explain the benefits of micro frontends and how to bring these benefits to native mobile apps using Ionic Portals.

Micro-frontends are the present and the future for scaling large client-side applications.

🎥 Videos

Get your MFE App-Shell set up right using TurboRepo, Module Federation, in runtime, or build-time mode, with state sharing built with Zustand.

Building a performant micro-frontend architecture requires solving a few complex problems. In this talk Alex will perform a deep-dive into a complex problem when building micro-frontends: state management.

In order to promise robust micro-frontend applications that are decoupled from each other, and yet, serve full synergy and data share across we will examine the layered architecture pattern with regards to frontend


How do you decide if your project or company should go with Micro Frontends Approach? Understanding how these concepts scale is crucial at an enterprise level. In this episode, we chat with Luca Mezzalira, who has tackled this very question with numerous teams and sheds some light on how to think about the architectural considerations and distributed systems in general.

In our second installment on Microfrontend (MFE) Architecture with Angular Joel Denning, the founder and core contributor for Single SPA teaches Jennifer and Brian the approach to building MFEs with Single SPA.